Climbing Team
@ Northeast Portland

We are striving to create programs where every youth climber feels like they belong.
We will be focusing on teamwork, sportsmanship, and building positive community while pushing athletes to improve based on their own goals and abilities.
This model leaves room for endless flexibility– maybe an athlete is interested in competing during the fall and shows us that they’re ready for the Competition Team, but has another sport in the spring and would rather step back to climbing once or twice per week in a more casual setting with Recreation team.
We will be working to ensure there are no stigmas or feelings of “demotion” or “promotion” when moving between teams, though this will require honesty and self-reflection from all involved.
Team Perks
The benefits to team climbing -- both tangible and intangible -- go well beyond this list. But for our Rec, Dev, Comp, and Elite participants, we wanted to call out a few perks that apply to climbers, and some that apply to family members as well!
- One free team shirt per weekly climbing day
- Annual membership to Portland Rock Gym (this includes both locations)
- Two guest passes per month
- Gear discounts– at our gyms, partnering businesses, and pro-deals throughout the season
- One free top-rope belay class per athlete for a parent or guardian
- One highly discounted lead belay/climb class per athlete for a parent or guardian
- Parents/guardians with active memberships can join Dev/Comp/Elite teams at
weekly Sunday night after-hours practices - Parents/guardians can all climb FREE at the All-Team practices on the 4th Sunday every month
- Heja app used for all communication and coordination (like carpooling)